July 2008
The last weekend of June was gloriously festive for many of us. On Saturday I went to the National Cathedral in Washington for the Ordination and Consecration of Eugene Sutton as the 14th Bishop of Maryland. The music and pageantry were majestic, the preaching uplifting. The new bishop is already cherished within the diocese, and the mixture of races and cultures in the congregation was a great witness to the wideness of God’s love. When the cathedral is packed with over 3,000 enthusiastic worshipers, the singing can ring the rafters. The presence of our Presiding Bishop, The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts-Schori brings luster to any occasion. It was exciting to be a part of that service.
On Sunday, for Emmanuel the day started out with our 8 o’clock celebration of the Eucharist. I always appreciate the quiet spirit of that service. We had cancelled our 10 o’clock service so that parishioners could join the people of St. James’, Westernport for the festive service that they were having. Again the Presiding Bishop was the celebrant as she ordained Garrett Carskadon and Thomas Hudson, OP, as priests. For our neighbors especially, it was a great day.
Such high profile celebrations, however, are not the usual fare for our spirits and I think that is a good thing. My sense of well-being is usually influenced by smaller things. A smile when I meet someone when I had expected a frown; an offer of a few hours from my son to help with some gardening project; a shared laugh at some irony; the bank of daylilies by my fish pond. I think that for most of us it doesn’t take a rise in the stock market or a new car. If the timing is right, it takes very little to make a so-so day into a truly happy one.
Our lives are, I think, more affected by the small acts of generosity or unkindness that we experience, than by the stories that make headlines. That means that the quality of life of those around me is affected by how I treat them. Huh.
I often envy Jesus for not having had instant access to news from around the world and for not having had a cell phone. All the gospel accounts show him ministering in completely personal situations. Even his confrontations with Pharisees and Roman authority were always in encounters with real flesh-and-blood people. He never dealt in abstract propositions. He told stories that had to do with familiar things like lost coins and hunger, wedding feasts and broken relationships. When he taught, he sat on a hillside and talked with whoever showed up. He gathered a small group of friends to carry on the kind of caring for people that he showed in his life.
For a while, the first followers of Jesus kept things simple. The wealthier members of the community opened their homes so that the people could gather to break bread and give thanks together. They told the stories that Jesus told and even touched people lives with a healing touch, just as Jesus had done. They rejected power plays to get their way, often choosing instead to be martyred. That didn’t last for more than a few generations. Once the Emperor Constantine recognized (in AD 314) that this Christian movement could be used as a good political tool to unite the empire, the importance of little things took a back seat. The Church was now a political power itself. It became something that kings feared. Church rulers wielded their power always under the cloak of righteousness and truth and for the furtherance of God’s reign. But to the citizenry, the demands of the Church could not have felt very different from the demands of the emperor.
As our own political season gears up, it might be good for us to remember that we are inheritors of the legacy of Jesus as well as of the Church. In both church and secular politics, appeals will be made to authorities, particularly scripture, by both sides of many arguments. Power is already being exerted to oust The Episcopal Church from the worldwide Anglican Communion. Sadly, that is the way of the Church after it received imperial approval and lost touch with down-to-earth things. It plainly is not the way of Jesus who welcomed all sorts and conditions of people into his fellowship. Jesus dealt with simpler realities like caring for people’s health, feeding the hungry, and helping followers to see the presence of God in their lives.
For all the pomp and splendor of last weekend’s ordination services in Washington and Westernport, they were not about power or self-aggrandizement. They were about serving the world through the community of faith. Especially when tempted by power and distracted by the grandeur of a great cathedral, we need constantly to look to the earliest Christians. They certainly stumbled in their attempts but they sought always to serve the world in Jesus’ name, not as power-brokers but as the welcoming arms of Jesus himself. May we follow in their foot-steps.
In God’s Peace,
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts-Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, visited St. James Church in Westernport, MD, on Sunday, June 29th for an Ordination Liturgy. Deacons Garrett Carskadon and Thomas Hudson, OP, were ordained to the Holy Priesthood. This was also the occasion for installing the new ministry team of St. James Church as the collective “rector” of the parish, which is both a new trend throughout the Episcopal Church (especially in rural and other small parishes) and is a very ancient concept going back to the very beginning of Christianity.
Because the Presiding Bishop’s travels don’t ordinarily bring her this close to Keyser, and because we wished to show our support for the new priests from our area, it was decided that the congregation for the 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist at Emmanuel Church would attend this special event. There was actually a good representation of our members from both the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM congregations present, along with visitors from the other Episcopal parishes in the area, so it was almost like an Episcopalian family reunion.
Unfortunately due to the crowd and frustrating technical difficulties, I was only able to take a couple of photos of members of Emmanuel Church with the Presiding Bishop (sorry, Kim Pifer, but your photo died on my BlackBerry), but here the survivors. If you happen to have your own photos of the event, please feel free to send them to me.
Let us remember the newly ordained priests, the parish of St. James, and our Presiding Bishop in our prayers, that their labors in the fields of Jesus Christ will bring forth abundant fruits of the Spirit.
Bishop Martin’s special series for adults and high school students.
July 6, 13, 20th BREAK
July 27th Why I Love the Episcopal Church
- balance in an out-of-kilter world
August 3rd Questions that You’ve Always Had About the Episcopal Church
- but were afraid to ask
August 10th BREAK
August 17th Report from The Lambeth Conference*
- see the brief description below
August 24th Questions that Have Arisen During the Summer
- no taboo topics
*The Lambeth Conference
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - Monday, August 04, 2008
Location: Canterbury, England
The Lambeth Conference, one of the gathering points (technically called an “Instrument of Communion”) for the global Anglican Communion, will be held July 16-August 4 in Canterbury, England. It is convened every 10 years at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and is an opportunity for the Anglican Communion's bishops to meet for worship, study and conversation. Archbishops, bishops, assistant and suffragan bishops within the Communion are invited. Also invited to attend are bishops from other churches 'in communion' with the Anglican Communion, bishops from United Churches, along with a number of ecumenical guests. (I attended the last Lambeth Conference in 1998 – MGT)
In addition to the more than 800 bishops who attend, their spouses are invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury's wife to a parallel gathering: the Spouses Conference.
For further information visit: http://www.lambethconference.org
[Editor’s Note: This is a new monthly feature for The Vine that I’m especially thrilled about, and it comes from none other than Thelma Stewart. When I took over the editorial duties of The Vine a couple of months ago, I kept thinking that she should definitely have a part in our little newsletter, and I am grateful that Thelma was so gracious to accept my invitation to be a regular contributor. No matter how far she may live away from Emmanuel Church, Thelma will always be a member of our family – plus she’s painted into the beautiful mural at the back of the church, so we get to see her standing over the entrance.]
From 68 to 220
From 400 (Willey) to 301 (Mineral)
From West to East
From home to really HOME…Emmanuel
I was so emotionally and spiritually filled to be sitting in MY pew with MY niece at MY Emmanuel Memorial Day weekend. Being with my “family” for those few hours continues to feel me with much joy.
Shortly after that visit, “Shakjula” (Michael), contacted me and asked if I would consider..uh..Writing, uh..Or sharing some thoughts in The Vine. Whaat!! He must be nuts. I didn’t even respond. Then he revisited the request and asked that I pray about it.
Well, pray I did, and kept right on thinking…NO WAY. Now let me tell you how the Lord works. This morning around 3:30a.m., something or someone awakened me and by 5:30a.m. I was still counting sheep and anything else. So, I got up and, (believe it or not I speak the truth), walked a direct path to the computer; sat down, and said…”okay Lord, Here I am.”
It was a pleasure meeting Bishop Martin Townsend, and his wife and son. I sincerely believe Emmanuel, once again, has been truly blessed.
I submit this as an introduction to my “contribution” to The Vine. To Michael, thank you for allowing me this opportunity to continue to be a part of Emmanuel. Pray that the Lord will keep the thoughts coming to me so that I can continue to share them with you.
“What matters is not your competence, but your character.
What matters are not how many people you know, but how many you remember?
Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a matter of circumstance, but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.”
Author: Michael Josephson
ord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Book of Common Prayer, Page 242.]
Sharon Floyd, Chairperson of the Outreach Committee, has requested that members of Emmanuel Church consider donating for advertising space for the upcoming Helping Hands Golf Tournament. The advertisements cost $25.00, and the money will go for a wonderful local charity. If you are interested in assisting the tournament, please contact Sharon at your earliest convenience.
Bishop Martin has recommended a couple of books to the 9:10 AM Adult Education Group, on the subject of better understanding the Holy Bible. We thought that this would be good information to share with all those who are unable to attend the classes.
The New Oxford Annotated Study Bible (NRSV): The New Revised Version of the Bible is what is used for all the liturgical readings at Emmanuel Church (and one of the official translations approved by the Episcopal Church nationwide), and it is a very clear, accurate translation of the Judeo-Christian scriptures. This translation follows in the same tradition as the King James Version (or Authorized Translation) and the Revised Standard Version, and the introductions and notes contained within the New Oxford Annotated Study Bible have been presented by a team of ecumenical biblical scholars, so there’s a wealth of valuable information for anyone who is serious about studying the Word of God. It is also available with the Revised Standard Version translation for those who prefer that version (I have both versions, and they’re excellent). The New Oxford Annotated Study Bible comes in a variety of bindings, from paperback to Morocco leather editions; if you’re planning on using a study bible quite a bit, I would recommend that you opt for either a hardcover or leather-bound edition since the paperback versions really won’t hold up that well.
The Oxford Bible Commentary: Well, if you’re going to purchase the Oxford Study Bible, you might as well get a copy of the commentary. It is the fruit of the labors of 70 biblical scholars from the spectrum of Christian traditions, so it’s a very balanced commentary on all the books of the Bible (including the Apocrypha which the Anglican Church uses in the Liturgy). Thus far the Oxford Bible Commentary is available only in hardcover format, so it’s going to be on the pricy side of things.
Both the New Oxford Annotated Study Bible and the Oxford Bible Commentary are available at Amazon.com, Oxford University Press, and the Episcopal Bookstore – all of which are on the Internet. If you’re not all that computer-savvy, feel free to contact Michael Summers at your convenience, and he’ll get you access to catalogues or help you with the ordering process.
I saw a stranger today.
I put food for him
in the eating-place
And drink
in the drinking-place
And music
in the listening-place.
In the Holy name
of the Trinity
He blessed myself
and my family.
And the lark said in her warble
Often, often, often
Goes Christ
in the stranger's guise.
O, oft and oft and oft,
Goes Christ
in the stranger's guise.
Celtic Rune of Hospitality
Congratulations to our very own Sonny Rhodes, who was elected to serve on the Keyser City Council during the local elections in June. According to the Cumberland Times-News, he gained the largest number of votes. We wish you the best of luck as you embark on your new political career, Sonny!
[Editor’s Note: This is a new monthly feature that was announced in the June edition of The Vine, and I’m looking forward to interviewing all of you out there in the months to come. For this month the “Guinea pig” is none other than Andrew Rankin. Since he doesn’t say too much, I felt it was only fair that he be the one to get a major introduction to Emmanuel Church. And I am really grateful that Andrew decided to be so cooperative with my schemes.]
#1. How long have you been at Emmanuel Church and what things are you involved in here?
I have been at Emmanuel practically all my life, my dad says I have been here since I was a few months old. So almost 20 years. My first involvement with the church was when I started acolyting at the age of 6, and I have been doing that to this day, I have participated in the youth group events, played music during services, I have been on the vestry for about a year in a half, still with no end in sight, and most recently was nominated for a position on Emmanuel's Rector Search Committee.
#2. What do you enjoy most about the church?
There is so much I love about Emmanuel, but I think the one thing that binds all of them
together is the fellowship and welcoming spirit with the members of the church.
#3. Please tell us a little more about yourself (hobbies, future plans, trivia that we don't know about you).
Well one of the most important things to me in my life is music, I enjoy a wide variety of music
from extreme metal to jazz. I love playing, listening, attempting to write, and just being involved with it in some way or another. Aside from music I do have a life, I am a full time student at Potomac State College, and will finish up my degree in Business Technology this fall semester, and begin working on my Associates in Business Administration.
Family Adventure!
“And God saw that it was good.”
August 5-7, 2008
Throughout the first chapter of Genesis, we hear over and over again God’s pleasure in His creation. Join us August 5-7 for a chance to enjoy one of the most beautiful parts of God’s creation: wild and wonderful West Virginia. Ace Adventure Resort is a 1,400-acre facility specializing in outdoor adventure. Complete with hiking and biking trails, lakes for fishing and swimming, white-water rafting, and accommodations ranging from rustic to deluxe, Ace is the perfect setting for our Family Adventure!
Family Adventure is an event for all ages and abilities. With miles of hiking and biking trails, fishing, swimming, white water rafting, and plenty of time to relax and enjoy the mountain, there will be something for everyone! Enjoy a ‘rustic’ stay at the campground, or make arrangements to stay in one of the many cabins (complete with a large deck and hot tub). Join us in the community room for games, music, worship and fellowship!
Visit Ace Adventure Resort online to see what is in store at www.aceraft.com! Please contact Jason Beschinski at the diocesan office if you have any questions or concerns. (304) 344-3597 or jbeschinski@wvdiocese.org
We need a separate registration form for each person or family member attending the event. We need a medical form only for middle school and high school students that are attending without a parent or guardian: Registration is due back to the diocesan office July 1, 2008.
The registration fee is $30 per person, children 2 and under are free. This includes breakfast and dinner on Wednesday and breakfast on Thursday and all evening programs. You may also add on a white-water rafting package. See below for cost and details.
Bring your own tents and camping gear and stay in the campground at no additional cost. Families may also make their own arrangements to stay in one of the many cabins and chalets by contacting Ace Adventure Resort (1-800-223-2641) or online at www.aceraft.com. It is recommended that you make cabin/chalet reservations as early as possible. Note: youth being chaperoned by EYF will need to stay in the campground with our group.
Evening Program:
We will gather each evening for music, games, fellowship, and worship. Musical guest Fran McKendree will be joining us, providing music for worship and doing a concert Wednesday evening. Fran is a professional musician and retreat leader, and has been involved with events at Peterkin and several parishes in the Diocese of West Virginia.
Optional Packages:
Swimming (4 hour pass for $5): The Adventure Play Park is the place to go for water trampolines, slides, and many other beachfront activities. These passes may be purchased at Ace after you arrive.
Upper New Rafting ($89 for adults, $49 for youth ages 6-17): Playful waves and beginner-friendly rapids make an ideal setting for rafting on the lighter side!
Lower New Rafting ($102 for adults, $89 for youth ages 14-17): Over 20 legendary big-water rapids await you on this rafting trip for the more adventurous!
Orzo Salad
This delicious Greek salad (known as Salata Meh Kritharaki) is perfect for summer – nice and cool.
1 1/2 cups uncooked orzo pasta
2 (6 ounce) cans marinated artichoke hearts
1 tomato, seeded and chopped
1 cucumber, seeded and chopped
1 red onion, chopped (or a Vidalia onion for a touch of sweetness)
1 cup crumbled feta cheese (if feta is too pungent, use crumbled mozzarella)
1 (2 ounce) can black olives, drained (try Kalamata for authenticity)
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
¼ cup extra-virgin olive or sesame oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice (or more if you like)
1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain. Drain artichoke hearts.
2. In large bowl combine pasta, artichoke hearts, tomato, cucumber, onion, feta or mozzarella, olives, parsley, lemon juice, oil, basil and pepper. Toss and chill for at least 1 hour in refrigerator. Toss salad before serving.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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