Monday, June 23, 2008

Visit of the Presiding Bishop

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts-Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will be visiting St. James Church in Westernport, MD, on Sunday, June 29th for an Ordination Liturgy. Deacons Garrett Carskadon and Thomas Hudson will be ordained to the Holy Priesthood.

Because the Presiding Bishop doesn't ordinarily come this close to Keyser, and because we wish to show our support for the new priests from our area, it was decided that the congregation for the 10 o'clock Holy Eucharist at Emmanuel Church will attend this special event.

Accordingly there will *NOT* be 9 o'clock Sunday School or the 10 o'clock Holy Eucharist at Emmanuel Church on June 29th. The 8 o'clock Holy Eucharist will be celebrated as usual.

Those who wish to attend the Ordination Liturgy, which will begin at 10 o'clock in the morning, are asked to arrive early at St. James Church in order to be seated.

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