I met Jerry about 7 years ago. He was a tall, good looking man with an easy smile and wink. He had piercing eyes that I was convinced could see the inside of your soul. He had the ability to sense when life was not as you wanted it or when life was bubbling over in joy. For either of those times he was there and wanted to be a part of both. Jerry was a man to whom you could tell your inner thoughts and did not question or judge you, nor did I ever have a fear that these things would be shared with anyone else. He guarded his friendships. He respected his friends.
What did I learn from Jerry? Important lessons I hope to carry forth in my life and hopefully pass on to others. One day I was so upset with the world (ok, maybe more with myself than the world) and I am shaking my finger at him, not even realizing I was doing it. He gently held my hand and closed the shaking finger and looked into my eyes – we both began laughing over my anger. The lesson learned was a way of teaching through gentle guiding and kindness -- a way to quiet the soul rather than stir the anger. A lesson I will never forget.
Jerry had a wealth of knowledge, from religion to how to how to fix anything that I could break. Jerry and I served as joint Junior Wardens. Junior Wardens in the Episcopal Church take care of all maintenance of the church. When we took this job I don’t think either of us knew how much maintenance Emmanuel required! Even when Jerry was out of town, I would track him down and say, “Jerry, WE have a problem.” His reply was “Well, kid…” And we would go from there.
Jerry and I discussed religion quite a bit together. He loved the Episcopal Church and all it stood for. His faith was strong. Answers that he needed he looked for. He asked questions, he studied and read He knew when to search and when to quietly wait for the answers to come from above. He was a man comfortable with his God. There is no doubt that our Jerry is now surrounded by his family, friends and Lord and he is looking down on us with a smile and wink...saying “I am here, I am fine and I will see you when it is your time. Until then ... smile, laugh, and lend a helping hand. Fight for your causes, help those that come in your path. For each is sent to us for a purpose and a journey.”
Well, my dear friend, I love you and I treasure all my memories and what I have gained through our time together.
In loving memory,
Kim Pifer
June 03, 2008
It was about eight years ago that Barbara and I decided to make Mineral County our permanent home. Back then we anticipated that I would be retired by 2005 or so. We had been building our vacation home near Fort Ashby for many years, but it now needed some upgrading for year-round occupation.
In 1973 we built a vacation home that was cozy for us and our two children. But then we had a third child and the place got just a little cozier. By 1982 our family enjoyed going there so much that we decided to make a major addition. I had a sabbatical, so for five months Barbara and I worked from dawn until dust, six days a week, building a massive stone addition. The stone part was not really attached to the original house, but was rather very close, connected by a passageway. Our children all worked along side of us. At the end of that time, from moving about 120 tons of stone and mixing about 100 tons of concrete, we all were as lean and muscular as we have ever been.
Over the years memories had been made and additions and refinements had been added in a somewhat higgledy-piggledy fashion. We have used Shepherd’s Croft for our own vacations but also for church retreats and staff planning sessions. It is a peaceful place where people have often been deeply aware of God’s presence. Several years ago when we decided that we would retire there, we knew some special work would be required. Better insulation and a heating system. Major renovation of existing space and creation of new areas for traffic flow and all season living.
So we did something we’d never done before. We hired an architect to help us figure out what we wanted and how best to help it happen. We were no longer just playing on our vacations but actually planning for our long-term future. We looked at the way we lived and how we anticipated living in the next stage of our life. We had a ball just doing the dreaming and planning. We were dealing not only with the intangibles of our future hopes but also with the stone and mortar realities of two very different buildings that we now wanted to harmonize and expand. The architect understood our hopes and although we ended up not using his plans, he helped us dream big as we developed our own plans.
Then we had to put the project out to bid. One contractor scratched and shook his head in disbelief. One didn’t even return our phone call. And one, Dan, said he’d do it but he couldn’t give us a price. It would have to be time and materials, otherwise, he explained, he’d have to charge us way too much to cover his own risks. Dan wore a cap that had “JESUS” emblazoned on the front. The front of his truck proclaims, “Thanks be to God.” He was pleased that I am a preacher. So after some discussion we shook hands on the deal, having only an impression and high hopes about how much work we could actually get done on our budget.
Since I was working full-time in Cincinnati, Barbara was the overseer of construction. Rather than being in the thick of all the decisions that had to be made – where to bury the propane tank, at what height should a window be placed – I had to be satisfied with telephone reports and occasional visits. Happily, a Godly spirit seemed to guide us through all the changes. Dan and his crew were not only fair, but were hard working and imaginative too, with never a bad word or cross look on the work site.
The project was completed nearly on time and almost within budget. We were delighted with the way our vacation cabin had been transformed into a home we continue to love. Since that major renovation, we have added a garage with a guest apartment above it. Three Amish carpenters built us a beautiful gazebo. We continue to work on our home right up to the present moment with me, this week, building a new deck off our dining room. We anticipate that this is a life-long project that will continue to invite our creativity and energy.
I am sure there is a parable in all of this for our parish life. Planning for the future, hiring the right consultants and contractors, having to trust what is happening even when we cannot see the tangible results, getting occasional bulletins that help us believe that there really is a future out there somewhere. That seems to be the likely story that will unfold for Emmanuel in the coming couple of years. My hope is that I will be with you throughout this transition and beyond. I will pray for our deepened awareness of God’s presence.
For the summer, we have some plans that are described in the article Sunday Mornings in this edition of The Vine. I look forward to knowing the parish community better.
In Christ,
+Martin Townsend
After some hospital and nursing home visits, several meetings, and only two Sundays with you, the people of Emmanuel Church, I am forming some tentative impressions. Most apparent to me is that this is a community that has “welcome” as a guiding principal. I love the presence of so many young people who obviously feel at home here. And thank you all for the kind way in which you have invited Barbara and me into your lives. I am greatly looking forward to our time together.
In some of the meetings that I have had with Vestry and others, it is apparent that the parish leadership has been working very hard during the interim time with Mother Joyce since Fr. Joe Mackov left seventeen months ago. (Fr. Joe and I were friends with each other years ago when we were both young priests in the Diocese of Washington.) There is a consensus that the leadership people need a break, so we can relax a little during the summer and not crank up a whole lot of programming. We will restart the midweek Eucharist and a daytime Bible Study in September.
In the mean time, we do have a Sunday morning schedule that invites education in the 9 o’clock hour. Sharon Floyd, ever faithful, will continue to have Sunday School for the very young throughout the summer. Below is what I plan to do from 9:10 until 9:45 a.m. for adults, including high school students, in the parish hall.
June 8th How Does Scripture Mean?
- the difference between fact and truth
June 15th The Hebrew Scriptures
- the early history of God
June 22nd The New Testament
- remember that God is human too
June 29th The Early Church
- Jesus gets institutionalized
July 6, 13, 20th BREAK
July 27th Why I Love the Episcopal Church
- balance in an out-of-kilter world
August 3rd Questions that You’ve Always Had About the Episcopal Church
- but were afraid to ask
August 10th BREAK
August 17th Report from The Lambeth Conference*
- see the brief description below
August 24th Questions that Have Arisen During the Summer
- no taboo topics
Each of these sessions is designed to stand alone, so please come if you can only make a few of them. I suggest that we gather for coffee around 9 o’clock and be seated for the program by 9:10. My style of lecturing encourages questions and discussion.
Also during the summer I hope to get to know the parish. If you would like me to visit you in your home, please let me know by calling the Parish Office. If you are unable to come to church, I’d be happy to bring you communion. Our parish secretary, June, will be in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My regular days in the office and making calls will be Tuesday and Wednesday.
Blessings on your summer.
+Martin Townsend
*The Lambeth Conference
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - Monday, August 04, 2008
Location: Canterbury, England
The Lambeth Conference, one of the gathering points (technically called an “Instrument of Communion”) for the global Anglican Communion, will be held July 16-August 4 in Canterbury, England. It is convened every 10 years at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and is an opportunity for the Anglican Communion's bishops to meet for worship, study and conversation. Archbishops, bishops, assistant and suffragan bishops within the Communion are invited. Also invited to attend are bishops from other churches 'in communion' with the Anglican Communion, bishops from United Churches, along with a number of ecumenical guests. (I attended the last Lambeth Conference in 1998 – MGT)
In addition to the more than 800 bishops who attend, their spouses are invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury's wife to a parallel gathering: the Spouses Conference.
For further information visit:
By David Rankin, Music Director
A choral director of my acquaintance once referred to her church choir as "the war department."
Musical preferences seem to evoke strong emotions. During the past couple of decades, a great deal of ink has been spilled over the so-called "worship wars," pitting proponents of "traditional" against those of "contemporary" worship and music. There's no point in taking sides, since both make valid points, and both labor under false assumptions as well. If you really want to get inside the topic, check out Trouble at the Table: Gathering the Tribes for Worship, by Carol Doran and Thomas Troeger, and Reaching Out without Dumbing Down by Marva Dawn. I have both books, and will gladly loan them out.
Traditional and contemporary styles in Christian worship have always been blended. The Apostles themselves continued to worship in synagogue and temple, singing the "traditional" songs from the book of Psalms and other Hebrew scripture. Indeed, some of the tunes Jesus might have sung are in our Hymnal! The plainchant setting of the Lord's Prayer (S119), for instance, is supposed to be derived from the synagogue cantillation for the book of Zechariah, and every good Jewish boy (as presumably our Lord was) would have learnt it and sung it in synagogue occasionally. Very soon, though, Christians began composing their own "contemporary" hymns, some of which are dispersed through the New Testament (Ephesians 5:14 and I Timothy: 3-16, for instance, and throughout the book of Revelation).
It is an intentional choice to continue this practice at Emmanuel Church, for several reasons:
o The "meat and potatoes" (or should that be "fruit and vegetables") of our musical diet, from the Hymnal 1982, represent the fruit of centuries of culling and pruning, and provide strong spiritual sustenance;
o Our congregation is incredibly diverse in experience, despite outward appearance. We have former enthusiastic Pentecostals, Baptists, Methodists, dour Calvinists, Atheists, Roman Catholics, eccentric Orthodox, the occasional cradle Anglican, and only our Lord knows who else, who all know different songs, and who each have an expectation that Church will "sound" a certain way;
o We are blessed by the presence of children and young adults, who need music to channel their energy and nourish their souls, and who are incredibly open, not locked into any one style of music as their elders might think (nor as their elders are!), but willing to learn chant, Baroque anthems, Peterkin songs, and Christian rock with equal enthusiasm;
o Most importantly, we all need the chance to listen to and sing each others' songs. It isn't always the easiest. It takes courage. It takes patience. Honoring each other in this way is part and parcel of how our Lord wants us to be together.
The two paragraphs below appear on our church website. I thought it would be good to share them with the readers of this newsletter as well:
"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3.14-17
On any Sunday, you may find the ten o'clock congregation singing great hymns of the faith from the Hymnal 1982, gospel songs from Lift Every Voice and Sing II, simple refrains from Taizé, South African freedom songs, and unaccompanied plainsong. Harmony for us means blending our traditions, honoring each others' preferences, and sharing the abundant diversity of Anglican worship and song in a spirit of unity and gratitude to God our Father.
Music is a place where mind and heart meet in intimate harmony. It is a place, where, because it integrates mind and heart, healing can begin.
[Editor’s Note: This poem was written composed by John D’Elisa, whom we deeply miss. It originally appeared in the Spring 2006 edition of The Vine, but I felt it was appropriate to run it again in memory of a truly wonderful man and a friend to us all. I doubt any of us can forget his vivacity and his profound relationship with Jesus Christ.]
How know we Lord, from where to go?
How know we that our lives might grow
a glimmer, yea a spark, of the true love
which preachers do extol amidst the Sunday show?
How is it that I fear my very self; the nature in me that is quick to err?
May not I cast away that which is loath in me and keep that only which is fair?
Where may I seek to fill this void in me?
How can I find some peace; what is my lot?
How may I be a better person, helping others?
Can I yet change my life to be what I am not?
I may not know the answers to these questions.
But I need not fear the future; nor know what horrors or what pleasures I may see.
I only know, through faith, that I must walk this path of life, and hearken to Him who bids us, “Follow me.”
~John D’Elisa, 2006
Hopefully you've noticed that The Vine Newsletter has a far more professional appearance this time around, especially with the beautiful logo on the front page and the information at the bottom of each page. These elements were specially designed for Emmanuel Church by a very dear friend of mine, a brilliantly skilled graphic artist named Erin Coslett-McBride. Erin lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and young daughter (who, by the way, just celebrated her first birthday). She was also responsible for creating the exceptional line drawing of Emmanuel Church (that includes the new Parish Hall) that greets all visitors to our official website. In case you haven't seen this, here it is:
I'd also like to take this opportunity to extend my great appreciation to Nancy Marshall as well, since she has brought incredible beauty to our church with her peerless stained glass designs; she also performs the important task of maintaining the beauty of the church by cleaning it. That can't be an easy job yet she does so very thoroughly and with a great smile.
Once again I'll make my plea (which is quickly becoming a mantra) to you for more material to keep our little newsletter going. Please consider contributing some articles, recipes, poems, book reviews, photographs -- anything that would make The Vine more interesting -- because Bishop Martin, Kim Pifer, David Rankin and I can only do just so much. You may submit materials to June Cooper (the kindly Parish Secretary), or if you're technologically inclined, feel free to send them directly to me via email. My email address is
And there's a bit of semi-exciting news! We've created a special "blog" (short for "web log", which is essentially an on-line journal in case you were wondering) for all of the sermons, newsletters, press releases, and other things that come from Emmanuel Church. It is connected to our main website, but it's much easier and faster to update. If you'd like to view these items (especially to re-read Bishop Martin's sermons) without going through the main site, the direct address is
In the months to come, I'm hoping to bring more information into The Vine about our most important resource -- YOU. I'll be contacting individuals so that we can work on a "Getting To Know You" section, where the readers of this newsletter can learn more about the various personalities who make Emmanuel Church the beautiful, loving community it is.
At the end of The Vine, you'll notice that there's a coloring page for people to color/paint/decorate in an extravagant manner. It's included for the children of our parish, but frankly there's nothing preventing those of us with the inclination to whip out the crayons for a bit of fun.
In a letter to the Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has called for a day of prayer for the Lambeth Conference.
June 4, 2008
To the people of The Episcopal Church:
As we move toward a great gathering of bishops from across the Anglican Communion, I call this whole Church to a Day of Prayer on 22 June. The Lambeth Conference represents one important way of building connections and relationships between churches in vastly different contexts, and reminding us of the varied nature of the Body of Christ. I would bid your prayers for openness of spirit, vulnerability of heart, and eagerness of mind, that we might all learn to see the Spirit at work in the other. I bid your prayers for a peaceful spirit, a lessening of tension, and a real willingness to work together for the good of God’s whole creation.
As many of you know, the Anglican Communion is one of the largest networks of human connection in the world. Churches are to be found beyond the ends of paved or dirt roads, ministering to and with people in isolated and difficult situations. That far-flung network is the result, in part, of seeds planted by a colonial missionary history. The fruit that has resulted is diverse and local, and indeed, unpalatable to some in other parts of the world. Our task at the Lambeth Conference is to engage that diverse harvest, discover its blessings and challenges, and commit ourselves to the future of this network. We must begin to examine the fruit of our colonial history, in a transparent way and with great humility, if we are ever going to heal the wounds of the past, which continue into the present. With God’s help, that is possible. I ask your prayers. I can think of no better starting place than the prayer for the Church (BCP p 515):
O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
I remain
Your servant in Christ,
+Katharine Jefferts Schori
From St. Cyril of Jerusalem's Lectures on the Christian Sacraments:
Therefore with fullest assurance let us partake as of the Body and Blood of Christ: for in the figure of Bread is given to thee His Body, and in the figure of Wine His Blood; that thou by partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, mightest be made of the same body and the same blood with Him. For thus we come to bear Christ in us, because His Body and Blood are diffused through our members; thus it is that, according to the blessed Peter, we become partakers of the divine nature. [2 Peter 1:4]
Beef Stew
This recipe came from Al and Sarah Crall, and it has been enjoyed by many of us at the Sunday Brunch following the 10 o'clock Holy Eucharist.
Preparation time:
20 minutes (ready in 10 hours, 20 minutes). Yield: 5 (1 1/2 cup) servings. I have not tried this crock pot recipe yet but modified it for the stove top version served at Coffee Hour.
1 1/2 pounds beef stew meat cut into 3/4 inch pieces (I will use chuck or cheaper)
4 medium carrots cut into 1/2 inch slices
3 medium red potatoes, unpeeled, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 large onion, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 cups vegetable juice cocktail
3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
3 teaspoons beef flavor instant bouillon
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1. In 3 1/2 to 4-quart slow cooker, combine all ingredients; mix well.
2. Cover; cook on low setting for 9 to 10 hours.
Kitchen Tip: For food safety reasons, recipes made in a slow cooker need to reach a safe cooking temperature (140 degrees F.) within 3 hours. That's why it isn't a good idea to assemble ingredients and refrigerate them or use frozen ingredients. It's also hard for the cooker to regain its temperature when you remove the lid, so avoid peeking until the cooking time is nearly over. No stirring is necessary while this stew cooks.
I adapted the recipe for the stovetop preparation in the following ways:
1. I omitted the tapioca and instead used corn starch (mixed with small amounts of cold water) at the end of the cooking.
2. I browned the beef and onions. (I will probably brown the beef when I use the crock pot because it seals in the juices and prevents the formation of granules in the juices.
3. I quadrupled the recipe.
4. I thoroughly scrubbed the potatoes and removed all eyes and any bad spots and I peeled the carrots.
5. I used sirloin.
Recipe adapted from Pillsbury Doughboy Family Pleasing Recipes. Clarkson Potter. New York, 2001. Page 74.
David Rankin brought this new initiative to our attention, and it really does capture a bit of the Episcopal Church we have all experienced. Here's the sample advertisement that will appear in newspapers across the United States:
There is also an accompanying television advertisement, which you may view by visiting