Friday, February 1, 2008

The Vine Newsletter (February 2008)

Keeping a Holy Lent
The forty days of Lent are in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. They culminate in Holy Week during which Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph, celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples and friends, was crucified, died and was risen to new life. Join us as we prepare ourselves by the traditional Lenten disciplines of prayer and study, fasting and almsgiving.
Soup dinners with a reflection Wednesday nights, Feb. 20, 27, March 5, 12
Song and Prayer in the style of Taizé Wednesdays 7PM, February 20, 27, March 5, 12

Our first dinner with a reflection was Feb. 13. We invite you to share with us in this fellowship meal at 6:15 PM, an opportunity to grow closer to God and to each other. Reflections are from Pilgrim Road: A Benedictine Journey through Lent by Albert Holtz, O.S.B.
Let us know if you will provide food (reimbursement available) or help clean up.

Taizé prayer consists of music, scripture, prayers and silence for mediation.
Taizé songs are simple and repeated again and again so they become prayerful and meditative for worship of God and to quiet our busy selves.
Taizé is an ecumenical French monastic community founded after World War II which draws thousands of pilgrims from around the world, and is the inspiration for these special services.
Lenten study Sunday mornings at 9

Tamela Rankin facilitates a Sunday morning at 9 series, the City of God. Make a Lenten sacrifice to be present at 9! Who knows what you may learn and how your life will be enriched.

Holy Week Worship Schedule
These will be explained in more detail next month.
Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, March 16
8, 10:00 Procession of Palms, Passion of Jesus, Eucharist
9, 11:45 Make Palm Crosses in Patchett Hall
Maundy Thursday, March 20
7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist
Agape meal* and stripping of the altar follows
9 - Midnight Watch by the people in the church. Come and go.
Good Friday, March 21
Noon Stations of the Cross: Walk the Passion of Jesus; Patchett Hall
7:00 PM Good Friday Liturgy
Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter, March 23
8, 10:00 Festival Eucharist of Christ’s Resurrection
Resurrect "Alleluia"; bring bells to celebrate the joy
11:15 Pot Luck luncheon and Easter egg hunt
*Maundy Thursday celebration of the Last Supper will be followed by an Agape meal
of breads, cheeses, olives, and fruits with the reading of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples.
KAMA Unity Meal, Friday, March 7, 6 PM, Keyser High School

On March 7 in honor of World Day of Prayer Keyser Area Ministerial Association is sponsoring an evening of food, fellowship, scripture study and prayer at Keyser High School with dinner beginning at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria. Area churches are providing meats, vegetables, fruits, salads, desserts, drink, and tableware. Everyone is welcome, bring a friend, your Bible, and a favorite food to share if you like.
Emmanuel is providing vegetables. Tell us you will help with them.

Prayers for Peace Sunday, March 16, 5 PM, for the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq war
Pray for peace on Palm Sunday evening as we recall the triumphal entry 2,000 years ago of the Prince of Peace into the holy city of Jerusalem and the entry into Baghdad nearly five years ago. Karen and Ed McDonald will be joining us again for this special time of prayer.

Helping Hands Fundraisers

Local residents in need of temporary assistance with utility bills, rent and medications are supported by Helping Hands. Since there is always more need for assistance than available funds, the group has planned a series of fundraisers for this important ministry.
In March there will be a hoagie sale. Hoagies (ham, turkey or roast beef) are $3.75 each; orders and money should be turned in by Wed., Feb. 26. Order forms are located on the “announcement table” in Patchett Hall, or order from Francine Shannahan. Hoagies will be distributed on Thurs., March 6 by noon. Order pick up begins at 9:30 AM in the Keyser Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.
April 10 is the annual banquet. This year it will be at the First United Methodist Church. There is usually entertainment and a choice of entrée. Details will follow next month.
In June the group will sponsor an auction. Donations of any household, personal, or gift items that ticket-holders may choose to own will be displayed at the event. Ticket-holders mark their selections and a drawing determines the winner for each item. So, as you clean closets this spring, keep in mind that we need that old crock, holiday decoration, piece of jewelry, or umbrella stand in order to have a really attractive array of choices for those in attendance.
July 26 is the date for the annual Helping Hands Golf Tournament held at the Polish Pines Golf Course. This fundraiser, sponsored in part by Nationwide Ins. and chaired by Sharon Floyd is a popular event, attended and supported by many area businesses and golfers.
Please mark these dates on your calendar and participate as you can to help those in our community whose need is great.

The Time Capsule will be sealed this week and placed under the altar to be opened in 50 years.

Thank you to
 Sonny and Donna Rhodes and their family for the delicious pancake dinner.
 All of you who took time to talk with Bishop Mike last month.

Regular Coffee Hour returning to breakfast foods; Easter to be Pot Luck luncheon

Coffee hour now has seven groups/individuals preparing food. Several have asked that the fare return to breakfast foods, so that change is being implemented. At the end of the cycle will be a Pot Luck luncheon with a fuller meal, unless a
special event causes a change in the schedule as the Easter Pot Luck luncheon.
Thank you for participating.
(Breakfast food can be pastries, egg casseroles, cold pizza or whatever your palate desires.)

Contact Michael Summers, Evangelism chair, for more information. Brochures are in the vestibule and parish hall to register. The brochure is also at
The church will pay for your attendance. Deadline to register is March 15. Hotel reservations are made separately from conference reservations. Rooms are also available at the Mineral Wells Amerihost Inn, 304-489-3111, for $67.19 per night. Attendees are asked to bring newsletters, bulletins, welcome brochure/visitor forms to the conference.

Jottings by Joyce

As I write this looking out the office window, snow is falling and the big, brown mountain is obscured. With a more vigorous and long-lasting snowfall, the large structure would be blanketed in white and blend into the gray sky and view-obstructing snow. How could something so large be hidden?
Now you know this is Lent, so I must relate this to the condition of our souls. Even though we may try to hide or pretend our bad habits, ugly attitudes and resentments don't exist, God knows they are present, as sure as the mountain of hard rock and trees. In Lent we are asked to name our faults, to bring them into full view, and to work on changing the bad into good.
Join us on Wednesdays for soup, a reflection, and Taizé song and prayer and on Sunday mornings at 9 to journey together purifying our souls, growing closer to each other, and honoring God. Lenten blessings be with you, Joyc
A prayer for Lent

Beyond the steady noise,
lead us to a dry, desert place –
a place for listening.
Beyond the jostle of chaos,
lead us to a place of open horizons –
a place for clarity.
Beyond our rigid falsehoods,
lead us to a place of ancient light –
a place for transformation.
Beyond the unyielding demands,
lead us to a place of dancing winds –
a place for freedom.
Beyond the endless distractions,
Lead us to a place of fiery mystery –
A place for encountering you alone.

by Keri Wehlander

Would you like to visit Ireland this summer?
The Companion Diocese Committee is hoping to plan a trip to Tuam this summer.
We would leave on Saturday, July 5th, and arrive in Shannon, Ireland, on July 6th.
Our group would spend 5-8 days exploring the Diocese of Tuam, located in the beautiful West of Ireland.
Hospitality is offered by the Diocese of Tuam.
We would like to have a group of 20-25 people for the trip. If enough interest is shown, we will proceed with plans and publish details as soon as they are confirmed. Please get your passport NOW!
If you want to join us on this trip to our Companion Diocese, please contact the Rev. Lisa Davis-Heller, chair of the Companion Diocese Committee, at